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Your stars for 2022

Victor Olliver

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

By Victor Olliver

Your 2022


March 21-April 20

An amazing year lies ahead as Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, enters your sign in May, exits it in late October before it’s back in Aries in December. Expect life, work or a business to go in a direction you didn’t necessarily anticipate, and it’s all for the good as you appear to defy gravity while others around you are flailing. May is an especially significant month because ruler Mars also enters Aries – adding tremendous oomph to your efforts. And expect a significant breakthrough in your personal affairs between May and July. The Mars retrograde from October to January 2023 is a preparatory phase for some kind of relaunch – professional or intimate – so watch what you say. The year will rush by.


April 21-May 21

You’ll look back on 2022 as a highly significant year when thoughts and actions turned to the question of why you were put on this planet. This will harden your determination to make an impact on your world. This is all because of the Moon’s North Node – the horoscope’s ‘destiny point’ – which enters Taurus in January and stays there for the rest of the year. The July/August period will be momentous as the node meets Uranus, the planet of inspiration, invention and sudden change. Expect a radical development which could impact on personal life or work, and you won’t look back. Travel is well-marked for the early part of 2022 and finances get a boost under Mars’ no-nonsense influence.


May 22-June 21

This thing we call ‘luck’ is with you as 2022 commences – the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, is at the top of your horoscope helping to radiate and amplify you and your work. April is an especially interesting month as Jupiter meets Neptune: you’re taking an enterprise into a whole new realm with fresh and imaginative approaches and expect to be in some kind of limelight then. For much of the year ruler Mercury is rushing through the zodiac signs, so expect 2022 to be a year of extraordinary variety, many more ups than downs for sure. And keep an eye on the August-October period when your mind is dominated by love or partnership matters. You won’t be lonesome.


June 22-July 23

Personal, creative power is 2022’s big theme for you – all of the year’s eclipses (solar and lunar) will be triggering this life area. Whatever is your passion – such as art, climate change, animal welfare, a lover (!), etc – takes centre stage, and April, May, October and November are the months of maximum commitment to a ‘cause’ which could reshape your life. This may make you quite moody and volatile at times as you kick against anyone or anything that attempts to dampen your ardour. The one thing you won’t feel this year is bored. Thanks to strict but practical Saturn, the many structural changes taking place in life – such as in a relationship or financially – are orderly. A new you is emerging.


July 24-August 23

Though the year starts with much responsibility for the care and keeping of others, you’ll soon the feel the effect of Jupiter in the chart zone of wealth and finance – the planet’s effects tend to orient you to wise judgement and growth. But be wary in April when your usual sharp sense could be clouded for a short while. Just avoid making commitments that month. Your major relationships dominate thoughts all year under a rigorous and take-no-prisoners Saturn. People who are not on your page are less likely to be tolerated so expect quite a few comings and goings where friends are concerned. The upshot is that the company you keep in 2022 is more likely to be very supportive.


August 24- September 23

Prepare for a year of social expansion and new alliances. It’s time to reinvent the wardrobe, restock the bookshelves, seek out the wise or exciting and announce to the world – in deed if not word – that you’re upscaling your life in some way. The great news is that this influence is present throughout 2022 (and beyond), and familiars may at times wonder whether you’ve lost your head since you seem so unlike yourself. Be assured, your head is still screwed on. This state of mind is perfect for the spirit of adventure that also dominates your year – expect trips overseas, a new study course or success in any matter of justice. Note the July-August phase for surprising and amazing developments.


September 24- October 23

The domestic area feels ‘weighty’, especially as ruler Venus starts 2022 in retrograde, the usual indicator that you’re sorting other people out. But then that’s your expertise, managing awkward customers (aka loved ones)! The two other themes of the year ahead cover work and wellbeing in the main, with your determination to stay true to a project or interest that means so much to you. It’s all a matter of balance, another thing Librans are good at. What helps maintain equilibrium in an emotionally demanding year is a greater focus on wellbeing – this covers anything from diet and exercise to short stays in luxury spas for some self-indulgent me-time. Put yourself at the top of your priority list. For a change.


October 24-November 22

Cosmically, 2022 starts so well for you with co-ruler Mars helping to change your luck for the better financially and co-ruler Pluto empowering your persuasive skills. This combination is tremendous if you’re trying to sell something or win people over to a cause or business. With the Moon’s South Node entering your sign in January and staying there for the rest of the year, expect to be sorting out any outstanding issues from the past, or re-encountering lost friends, romantic partners or colleagues. It’s as if life is giving you a second chance to put things right if you feel that the first time around wasn’t so great. Mid-summer is a time of especial magic in the area of a key relationship.


November 23-December 21

A residential move, an increase in family size – perhaps through marriage or more children – or a major home refurbishment are each entirely possible in 2022 as ruler Jupiter casts its good fortune on your domestic arena. The planet is at its most powerful in the January to May phase and then October to December. But if you’re thinking of signing a property contract in April, see if you can postpone to May. The need to apply greater rigour to the small print and to all communications (or dealings with media) is underlined by taskmaster Saturn which adds authority to your words but punishes inaccuracy. The May/August period sees the blooming of a natal gift and/or a period of fun – and I would emphasise the latter.


December 22-January 20

The early-year erratic energies affecting income will soon pass as ruler Saturn slogs its way through your chart zone of material worth, helping to create a stronger foundation for your future. Yes, you will have been much preoccupied with money issues ever since 2021. In 2022 it is forecast that an event occurs that helps to set aside any anxiety, though you are always one to worry. October and onwards is a particularly productive time as Saturn moves out of retrograde. In the May to October period, expect developments affecting home or family: additional funds may encourage a move, or you hear of joyful news from a loved one. In matters of love or romance, July-August brings high promise of a not-brief encounter.


January 21-February 19

The popular idea that Aquarians are wacky eccentrics rather disguises the fact that you’re (also?) extraordinarily focused and capable of very practical if pioneering thinking. This is certainly true throughout 2022 as co-ruler Saturn dominates your personality, ensuring that anything capable of building your reputation or work progress benefits from hard application. You’re only advised not to appear too ambitious lest people think (wrongly) that you’re mercenary. Finances also improve in the January-May period, or if not then, in the October to December phase when Jupiter’s power is at its most powerful, bringing you promotion, the generosity of an employer or a lucrative business idea. In the last quarter of the year, an ‘ideal home’ may grab your attention.


February 20-March 20

Most definitely a lucky year for you with generous Jupiter in and out of your sign throughout 2022, with a high point in April when your two co-rulers Jupiter and Neptune merge in Pisces. This is certain to trigger a wonderful development that could apply to just about any life department, whether relationship, work, travel or creative talent. Happenings during May-October prepare the way for financial growth that could occur this year or certainly in 2023 – this may involve a job change or relocation. Spiritual interests will deepen under Saturn’s gaze, so that even though life proceeds well, you’re contemplative, considering broader questions of life. This other dimension opens you to unusual and mind-expanding experiences.

Twitter: @VictorOlliver

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